Parmesan - Parmigiano Reggiano
Parmesan cheese is an Italian cheese and is also called Parmigiano Reggiano. This delicious cheese originates in Parma: a province in Northern Italy. Parmesan cheese is one of the few cheeses that hold a protected title. This means that those produced in the Italian provinces of Modena, Parma and Reggo Emillia can hold the name 'Parmigiano Reggiano'.
Parmesan cheese
Parmesan cheese is an Italian cheese and is also called Parmigiano Reggiano. This delicious cheese originates in Parma: a province in Northern Italy. Parmesan cheese is one of the few cheeses that hold a protected title. This means that those produced in the Italian provinces of Modena, Parma and Reggo Emillia can hold the name 'Parmigiano Reggiano'. You can recognize these real Parmesan cheeses by the seal on the side of the cheese. There are more than 500 cheesemakers in the north of Italy, who commonly produce more than 2 million cheeses a year. That's a good thing, because Parmesan cheese is very popular around the world.
Parmesan is made exclusively with milk of the cows from the Parma region. During the production process the cheese is heated and then dipped in a brine bath for 20 days. A brine bath is a tub filled with lukewarm water and salt. After the brine bath, the cheese must mature for at least 12 months.
This ripening process can be extended to a maximum of 32 months. During the ripening process the cheeses are constantly brushed and flipped over. These actions ensure that the cheese can harden properly. Before the cheese wheels leave the cheese factory they are extensively tested on taste and structure. By doing so the Italian cheese makers can control the quality.
Spicy taste
Parmesan cheese is known for its taste. The long ripening process has given the cheese a spicy taste. Besides being able to taste this taste, you can also smell it. Due to its flavor, Parmesan cheese is often used as an addition to other dishes. For example, Parmesan cheese is used by the Italians to garnish pasta, pizza and chicken dishes. Would you like to try a healthier recipe? The flavor of the cheese is a great addition to salads with olive oil dressing.