Terschellinger cheese

Terschelling is home to the cheese dairy "De Terschellinger", an organic cheese factory in Terschelling. A special cheese factory where different types of Terschelling cheese are made according to traditional methods. All of them pure, organic and delicious. What makes this cheese factory so special? All cheeses are organic and natural. This means that no extra, unnecessary ingredients are added to the cheese. In addition, vegetarian rennet is used. Thus, the Terschellinger Wind Force 6 and 10 are a healthy choice. In addition, De Terschellinger also produces several delicious cheeses, including Jong Belegen, Extra Belegen, Reade Jutter and also various herb cheeses.
At GoudseKaasShop.nl we are proud every year of our Skal certification (Skal number: 114147), which is required for selling organic products and complying with strict regulations.