Whole Cheeses (-20%)
When purchasing a whole cheese, you benefit from a discount! The discounts vary per cheese. Check out our assortment and take advantage of your benefits.
Share the cheese with friends, family, neighbors, and/or colleagues.
Would you like to divide the cheese? It is also possible to have the whole cheese cut into two, four, or eight pieces and individually wrapped. You can easily specify this when ordering the cheese.
Whole cheese (e.g. 12 kg)
It is in our shop possible to buy a whole wheel of cheese. In this section of the site you see a complete overview of the whole cheeses or cheese wheels. Of course it is also possible to buy them per kilo.
How to cut a whole Gouda cheese!
Depending on the size and the weight you want to cut, you can choose to offer flat pieces (great for cubes or grating) or triangles.
Regardless of how you cut, Gouda cheese are best cut 30 minutes after they are removed from refrigeration. Older cheese are most easily cut after at least 1 hour at room temperature. All Gouda cheeses are best cut using a cheese wire or a professional cheese knife. Also available in our webshop!
First cuts may have to be made at the edge of the wheel, by using a knife. These cutting suggestions should leave every piece with about the same cheese/rind percentage.
Gouda Cheese Shop hopes that the diagrams and cutting instructions we have provided will ease the Gouda cheese cutting process.